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Dupa cum v-ati dat seama probabil pana acum, numele meu e Oana, am 23 de ani si sunt din Cluj Napoca,Romania. Sunt o persoana activa, nehotarata, perfectionista si ambitioasa 🙂 O combinatie ciudata.

M-am decis sa incep acest blog pentru a avea un loc unde sa imi exprim ideile in voie, iar poate ca cineva sa invete ceva din ele, sau la randul lor, sa ma corecteze daca scriu prostii.  Vreau ca prin acest blog sa imi fac prieteni noi, sa descopar lucruri si oameni interesanti si, de ce nu, chiar sa distrez unii oameni.

Ma puteti gasi si la retelele de socializare de mai sus, sau imi puteti da un mail la ask@tarceaoana.com.


As you probably figured out by now, my name is Oana, i am 23 years old and i am from  Cluj Napoca, Romania. I am an active, indecisive, perfectionist and ambitious person 🙂 A lovely combination, wouldn’t you say?

I decided to start this blog in order to have a place where i could freely express my opinions and maybe someone could learn something from them, or correct me if i write nonsense. I want to make new friends through this blog, to discover new things and people, and why not, to entertain my readers.

You can find me on the social networks listed above, or you can email me at ask@tarceaoana.com.



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