Our First Civil Ceremony



Astazi am participat cu Didi la prima noastra cununie civila si logodna la biserica. Mai in gluma, mai in serios, macar am vazut ce va trebui sa facem si noi anul viitor, asa ca am fost atenti la fiecare detaliu πŸ™‚ .

Oricum, a fost o zi minunata pentru a te casatori. Vremea a tinut cu noi, mirii au fost superbi, ne-am intalnit cu fosti colegi de serviciu cu care am mai stat la o barfa, am facut multe poze si ne-am distrat.

Si cel mai important… am avut ocazia sa mananc vata de zahar si sa o impart cu toata lumea πŸ™‚

Mai jos gasiti niste poze de azi.



Today, me and Didi attended our first civil ceremony. We were joking around and taking mental notes with what we would have to do next year, when we will be getting married πŸ™‚

Anyway, it was a great day to get married. The weather was great, the bride and groom were beautiful, we got to hang out with some of our former work colleagues and gossip. We took loads of pictures and had a blast.

But the most important thing was that I got to eat my cotton candy and share it with everyone πŸ™‚

You can see some pictures below .

The gorgeous bride.

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Our gorgeous godparents.


IMG_4533 IMG_4507 cotton candy


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